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Super Size Me

You know how people who were once really overweight, but triumphantly lost a great deal of that weight, can struggle to see themselves as thin? Ok, I have no experience with that, but on 'Say Yes to the Dress' there was a girl who lost 120 lbs and she said as much, so I'm going with her. I'm here to tell you, I've got the reverse situation going!! Thanks to the Target dressing room, on this night I've been riveted in to reality. The notorious store lights don't help, but neither does the excess I'm starting to consider a pet.

Before my injury that has left me unable to run, I felt so fit. I'm sure that wasn't exactly the case, but turning back the clock just a little before the lameness on my left, it was true. I loved working out: lifting weights, running, taking classes with a friend...all were glorious, and I admit to a bit of vanity. I think this is one blessing of my injury, which has sucked any desire to workout along with it. A year of pain makes you find new hobbies, like sitting and snacking.

As we're pulling out of the Target parking lot, these thoughts and images of the dressing room are rolling around in my mind, and you know what thought came next, nearly on top of them?? I felt a little rumble in my tummy and thought, "I'm hungry."

If only 20 lbs could melt away while I do my favorite late-night snacking!

I suppose the pain of staying the same hasn't yet outweighed the pain of change.

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