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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Apostate Watch-Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel 3

I don't pay attention to Arnold Murray but purposefully did a fresh search to see what is printed about his false teaching ministry. Sadly, I used to know someone wrapped up with him, so hope to help a few people get free from the bondage of this cult.

There is true freedom in Jesus Christ, from God's holy word, but apostates like Murray do a damaging disservice preying on the weak-minded or Biblically illiterate. One day God will judge those who lead people astray.

For the record, if a teacher has purposefully lied about himself or his ministry, you need to run the other direction. Knowing the truth of God's word isn't some mystery only reserved for a few. If you are the type of person going about thinking everything is a conspiracy and in your pride you think you somehow have been chosen to see the truth as part of a select few, or have been smart enough to stumble upon the truth, you need to seriously think again and read the Bible plainly.

It is only through God's grace we can ever see God for who He is, and the message is not shrouded in mystery. Once pride enters the equation (if you are thinking you are special and were smart enough to find this hidden truth of how to be reconciled to God), that is a dead giveaway you are off course. Coming to God in faith, because of what Christ has done for us, is extremely humbling. We CAN know the truth and it will set us free, but that has nothing to do with us, it has everything to do with God.

Another point I want to make regards the weak-minded. This is not something any of us wants to be, but let's be honest. Not everyone has a strong mind. Many are driven and tossed by the wind. Many are easily led astray. You know how some individuals always have a lot of drama and hard to follow problems in their life? These folks are generally weak-minded. Anyone whose ever been conned by a pyramid scheme or a cult would not be what I'd call, strong-minded. The weak- minded need others to tell them what to do and they are followers more than they are true leaders, they are people who rely on excuses. We need to know ourselves...we can only do this if we are humble about our condition. If you are weak-minded, realize you are far more likely to fall for a deceptive religion that is not from the true God of the Bible.

Ok, with that, here is the link :


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