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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Submitting to Government

I was listening to a John MacArthur sermon regarding how a Christian should respond to an ungodly government. He was encouraging us to follow the Word of God and not protest, but live peaceably. It really made me think how different Christians would be viewed if we all viewed those we differ with politically as a mission field, as MacArthur has said according to my husband, rather than the enemy. I wonder if we are winning the 'battles' from time to time, but will ultimately lose the war.

In this age of popularizing a social gospel instead of offending with the saving Gospel, we ought to seriously consider if we are really hurting the overall cause of Christ because of our loud political agendas. Are we most concerned with people's hearts, or with making this nation choose morality? Are we most concerned with saving lives or souls? Do we want unbelievers to think we're relevant and cool or do we want them to see someone not afraid to live biblically?

Jesus didn't tattoo himself or hang out partying so that people would then want to sit and listen at his feet.

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