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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Who Is Calling the Shots--When the Gospel is Sold as Insufficient

If the preaching message at church isn't enough to thrill a soul, is it a good idea to make the music be the thing that causes the thrill? If the saving message of the gospel, and the learning and hearing the truth can't draw us and keep us, is there a problem? In other words, if a person can't enjoy a gospel message without the right musical beat to get them feeling all emotional, is that a problem being revealed in the heart of the listener?

What type of people are more at risk of needing an emotional fix to make them think they are communing with God?

Is love a feeling or a choice?

How does marriage relate to our relationship with God?

What I'm getting at is that I think we need to be concerned if the message of truth, a life transformed because of repentant faith isn't what thrills a so-called believer in church. If our feelings are what make us think we are close to God, that is a red flag. We shouldn't need our emotions hyped in order to enjoy church or feel like we are right with God, yet so many churches today send that message loud and clear by going Contemporary. No longer is the message of salvation and being reconciled to God enough to satisfy; salvation is not the key issue, it's how folks feel. Love is not a feeling, it is a choice, yet we market Christianity with feeling based music because the beat is what people want. They aren't intellectualizing the truth, they have to translate it to something very unreliable. This is one reason the charismatic movement is so popular among so many, feelings rule over fact.


I know in marriage living how we feel is not a good idea. The same goes for parenting. It's pretty true in a vocation as well. Feelings need to follow faith. Our minds have to be engaged in the battle against the spiritual forces of darkness and I think we are hurting the young generation by giving them an appetite for emotive music. Most of us grew to maturity on a diet of music that could save a soul, and that is not the same foundation as what the new, young believers today experience. It is not the same for an adult who is grounded in mature faith to sometimes listen to Contemporary music as it is for someone just learning and growing to feed on that music entirely. Contemporary music glorifies self more often than not; hymns glorify God and Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree. I believe music is a great instrument to draw someone to God, but it's not enough to keep them. Look at the example of Lucifer..the chief musician! Obviously, music draws more on our emotinal side then our intellectual side - but our journey will be in vain if we don't fall in love with a risen savior and his Holy word.
