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So Goes the Church

Our pastor mentioned the reality of what is happening in churches today--the apostasy isn't going to be a flood that causes a calamity, it is so gradual, to the unwatching and undiscerning, it is nearly imperceptible. One sign that I notice is when the church focuses so heavily on community, community, community...the members are more dependent on each other than I think is healthy. People get together incessantly, but the conversation isn't sanctifying. People are always having noise or are on the go...there isn't thinking, or deep prayer...it's just go, go, go. No time to question, just get out there and live like Jesus, only don't tell people they are sinners in need of a Savoir. Make them feel comfortable coming as they are and staying as they are. Insert 'red flag' here...unbelievers should not feel comfortable in church.

So here is my list of some ways the church goes from being sound to unsound...

It happens when feelings are manipulated and minds disengage.

It happens with counseling centers that are led by people who endorse contemplative prayer.

It happens through guest speakers that say Catholics can rightly be 'on fire' for the Lord.

It happens as we worry more about offending people in our church than telling them the truth about their lost state.

It happens when social justice is taught as a method of evangelism.

It happens when those who sound the alarm for the FIRST time are accused of nitpicking.

It happens as pastors get bored of the status quo (sound preaching and teaching) so introduce more and more creative ways to sell the gospel, all the while moving away from the true gospel.

It happens when junior pastors are fearful and think a head pastor getting it 'mostly right' is good enough on the issue of sound theology.

It happens when pastors are too prideful to admit when they are wrong.

It happens when members have inferiority complexes so they stay in a church with poor teaching because it keeps feeding their self-esteem through positions of leadership.

It happens when members are asleep and unwilling to do the work of finding out what their pastor really believes based on who he quotes and what he reads.

It happens as the faith of the leadership wanes, and men start to think that the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit are not enough to lead the lost to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.

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