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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

We Don't Have Smart Phones

So I have been doing some texting with my unlimited free plan, but not a lot. My husband regularly cautions against the negative impacts of Twitter, Facebook, texting, and constantly listening to something rather than having quiet time for thinking. Well, he is a very wise individual, and I can't say I disagree. Our house is usually quiet and we don't have smart phones because we know we'll use them too much.

For the record, my husband is one of the few people I know that is visibly maturing in his faith, consistently. He is growing in wisdom regularly, too. I love to listen to him explain deep theological issues!!!!!

This article says there is some research showing people are getting dumber with all of the interruptions technology gives us, up to 20% possibly. Might think twice about how early to introduce portable technology to youngsters given this...


Something else my husband is often saying is that our kids will likely use where I am (we are) as a STARTING point. This is a factor with dress, entertainment, and technology...they need to understand it, but I don't know if it needs to be shaping their daily lives.

It is kind of common sense...we need time to think and thinking requires uninterrupted time. We can return to a simpler way of life...just like with classical education recovering the Lost Tools of Learning...we can say no to the fast pace of life in this culture if we want to.

So we don't have smart phones, not just for financial reasons, but because we know our limitations and we'll be online through out the day more than we are already...and I'm on too much now!

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