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Goodbye to Irish?

My daughter has been doing Irish dancing for several years, 3 or 4. It is something she absolutely loves and she is quite talented with it. What's interesting is that she doesn't do it to perform in front of others; she turns down opportunities to dance publicly on a regular basis. She dances because she loves it. And just writing that is bringing tears to my eyes. The sad reality of so many dance companies is that they do not glorify the Lord. The music and themes of dances can be quite an offense to a Christian, and the reality we're currently living with is that the year end performance is quite disturbing to our middle girl this year. It didn't become apparent until tonight unfortunately, and the show is fast approaching. Like when a movie is made, dance routines can involve a lot of different age groups and they work piecemeal until they are near the end. As a Christian mom, to see my girl, who is years from puberty, realize something is dark and creepy, makes me thankful. I'm so glad her mind isn't hardened to such things, but I am equally disappointed she thinks it might be time for Irish to go.

I'll admit to having reservations about the music they warm up to. It is completely inappropriate for our taste, and when you work to not expose your children to mind-numbing styles of music it's a bit disconcerting when you are suddenly paying for it to be played loudly. Things didn't start this way....but they got this way over time.

I keep thinking back to years ago when my husband didn't want us to go the Irish route, but his mom and I felt it would be a good fit for this daughter who was completely bored with ballet.

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