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Finishing Strong

There is such pleasure in finishing something well, don't you think? We're officially finished with school and my husband kept encouraging us to stay the course. All of us have that tendency to slack way off.

It was hard pulling the year in to the driveway as rigorously as we began in some respects, but part of that was the reality of having finished curriculum a good bit prior to when I'd planned to test. Traveling for my niece's birth added some more down time that wasn't exactly built in...but here we are, finished on schedule and loving it. This reward for having and keeping a schedule is motivating to do it again next year, only this summer, we will do some other work that wasn't really planned at the outset. Tonight as we enjoyed the backyard, my husband mentioned wanting to stay on track with a few subjects so starting back up in September goes smoother. I could revolt and feel like our months of hot weather are now lost, but I'm choosing to accept it and believe the truth, which is that our summer will go better if the kids have some structure. The really hot days are spent indoors anyway!

Also, it is frustrating for them to forget a lot of the  math they've worked so hard to learn, and with Latin, you really do not want to wipe the mind clean for any stretch of time. Another reality is that in doing Classical Conversations we only get 4 days/week for math, so if we do some lessons June-August, that negative will be mitigated.

I like forward progress and our kids do better with some structure. None of us enjoy the feeling of wasting a day, and if we merely sleep in, do a few chores, and play, we'll all feel like we've missed a lot of the fun of summer break. I hope to find the perfect balance with doing some fun schooling (literature for example) and field trips, while relaxing plenty together and going to see the babies.

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