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No One Seeks After God

My husband and I were having a discussion on our walk today about a topic we haven't agreed on theologically. He has contended that the Bible teaches no one truly searches for God. I have said that I think people do, and used my life as an example. I don't believe it is correct to emotionalize our theology, but I do think God uses our personal lives as the framework whereby we come to faith. Ultimately, we cannot come to God outside of the Holy Spirit's drawing us. I get that. But until today what I'd been saying was my 'searching' for God, was actually just my searching for a cure to my misery. I knew something was missing and was looking in churches, but that still doesn't mean I was searching for God.

Romans 3:11 explains the state of depravity we are in when we are not Christians, as well as Ephesians 4:17-18. We have hard hearts, we do not seek to be told we are sinners. Yes, we want to feel better and yes we see something is wrong, but according to Scripture, we are so sinful we do not seek the One with the answers. The Holy Spirit draws us and in a way that no man can concretely explain (though many try to make it black or white) we go from not having faith and being unregenerate, to having faith and being reconciled to Christ. We'll all always differ on the exact order of events...I do not believe regeneration precedes faith or that faith precedes regeneration, but more that faith and regeneration are simultaneous. It doesn't really matter in the big scheme of things. What does matter is that we aren't walking about, outside of Christ, believing there is something good in us, because that does change the whole story of why Christ came for us.

If we were depraved, unable to be reconciled to God, Christ's sacrifice wouldn't have been needed.

I'm no theologian, I just wanted to explain something I'd never really realized. 

My previous thinking that I'd searched for God, when carried out, had some faulty ramifications. It's important to have the correct words to our testimony.

The reality is that I was hurting, sinful, and looking for relief in many places. At the end of my journey, I landed in various churches. I even heard the Truth and was then aware of my sin, and for 2 years after that, was miserable--knowing I was sinning, unable to stop, because the head knowledge I had, did nothing for my unrepentant state. It wasn't until I went back to college (it was a summer job when I attended a Pentecostal church where I first heard the gospel) and landed in a Bible believing church that not only preached truth, but discipled us, that I saw I wasn't just a sinner, but that I needed a Savior. I was lead to understand repentance and dying to self. It was then I submitted to God's authority in my life, admitted I needed Jesus' blood to wash me, and He then gave me the power to turn from my sin.

Within 6 months, from August 1996-January 1997, shortly after I'd turned 21, my life radically changed. After trying to stop cursing for years, it happened in a short time. After unsuccessfully trying to stop other habits for years, He set me free. He gave me a new place to live that was far more pleasing in His sight...my taste in music changed, the way I dressed changed, and it was all for the better. My pastor, during a conversation where I was sharing with him how I just didn't want to listen the music I was accustomed to listening to, told me I was becoming His disciple. It was incredible.

I wouldn't change what I lost for what I've gained. 

When we come to Christ we need to do so personally--sometimes very alone, and afterward, be willing to take the journey alone as long as He wills. The changes that happened to me, well, many were the desires of my heart for years...and looking back I think God honored those desires once my heart belonged to Him because they weren't selfish anymore, I wanted to please Him.

Friend, don't be afraid to leave the religion of your family, the comfort of your friends, or the lifestyle of those around you if it means casting off what will condemn you to Hell and putting on the righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is some good information in this long explanation of Romans 3:10-11.


  1. Reblogged this on Ezekielcountdown's Weblog and commented:
    Excellent! Just one note, EZC does not endorse "regeneration preceding faith" either. Agree wholeheartedly that, apart from God's dynamite power revealing how utterly depraved (i.e. dead man walking) I was in sin, hell would have been my eternal destination. Soli Deo Gloria!

  2. Hello again,

    I was a little confused when you said you do not believe regeneration proceeds faith.
    I understand the part about being reconciled with God. However, I'm not sure what you mean by regeneration.

    What do you mean by regeneration? That is not a term I have heard people associate with the Gospel.

  3. Hi Phil,
    Thank you for commenting. Regeneration is the same as being born again. It is a term used in Titus 3:3-7. I'm sorry for any confusion. The most important thing isn't details like what I posted about, it is about knowing we are lost in our sin and apart from Christ, we are enemies of God who will spend eternity in Hell. Through Jesus' taking our place on the cross, if we have trusted Him as our Savior, we are reconciled to God and will spend eternity in Heaven. I don't want to trip anyone up with my blathering about theology that men have had different views on for the ages and will continue to until the end of the age...I'm sorry if I've done that. Thank you again for taking time to write and ask. God bless you tonight, Ann

  4. Oh you are fine. I just needed a little clarification. You did pretty well.

  5. I probably shouldn't have defined a word with a phrase that won't be inherently clear to some---being born again/regenerated, is being taken from the state of being spiritually dead to spiritually alive. If we are not in Christ, we are not spiritually alive. I hope that is a little better even and I love that you asked!
