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Proud and Thankful to be A Woman

I love being a woman. I'm thankful to have a husband that values womanhood, as designed by God, as the means of fulfilling the unique role of being a wife and mother. The role of a mother is the main concern herein.

Too many women in America think that rejecting their God-given design is somehow superior to the 'old fashioned' idea of being a full-time homemaker.  Women were designed for greatness, and it is sad that so many have let society steer their thinking away from that and into accepting something lesser. God designed men different from women, and He said it was good. And it is good. I reject the wisdom of this world that says women need to have more than what God said. In getting this 'more' women have lost out. The sexual revolution did nothing to help women feel more fulfilled. Men got sex without the commitment. Women working may have gotten themselves outside of the house, but then someone else (or no one) largely focused on raising their children, and they were pulled in different directions. They still had home duties so their workload actually increased. Being lulled into thinking they weren't getting 'all they had coming to them' turned into a cheap counterfeit for many of these women. Today there is plenty of evidence that liberal women are among the most unfulfilled. Many feel they don't give their best to any one area, and that is a continual stressor. What I wish more working mother's realized is that plenty of mothers leave the workforce, and couples turn their lives in a whole different direction so that can happen. It isn't always possible, but it shouldn't be rejected outright. This is a sensitive subject, and inevitability feelings can be hurt, but as Christians don't you think we need to stop being silent on this issue that greatly impacts family life?

Two things are exasperating at times: One is career women who act like what they do is better than being a homemaker. The other is those same type of women, who also have children, acting like martyrs because they 'have' to work. They ignore any notion that they have chosen to have a career as the thing that gets the best of their time and youth. Working outside the home is not synonymous with being a career woman. Everyone knows that, but I'll state it since some women try to play both sides of the issue. If women are going to act like martyrs because they work outside the home while someone else raises their children, they should at least own up to the reality that they are choosing a lifestyle that requires they work as much as they do. People can drive cars until they fall apart, they can live with just a few outfits, they do not have to have expensive TV service, they don't have to eat out several times a week. We make lifestyle choices and trade off what we think is less important for what we value as more important. Not everyone owns a nicer home, or owns one at all. 

I'm thankful my husband values what I do in creating a home for him and our kids. Our children are nearly grown, and they still attest to how different it feels (worse) when I'm out all day. Nothing takes the place of a mom in the home. It provides security and stability for children to have her there. It isn't rocket science, but it also can't be erased simply because people want it to be untrue. I don't think being barefoot and pregnant is a bad thing. I'm well past child bearing, but to act like that image is inferior to working to make life better for 'society' rather than pouring into one's own children, is a farce. This is not to ignore those mothers who must work to help pay for their family needs. Of course that is a huge gift and a sacrifice. Some regions are very expensive and people are unable to move to a more affordable region, but this is to address the great importance of a full time mother.

Along this line, I don't think I need something to fall back on if this gig I'm into doesn't work out. God's designed me for a purpose and I'm committed to living that out. I've poured the best years of my life into raising my children and I believe that is God's best. Had I been working 'just in case' something didn't work out with my marriage, my focus wouldn't have been on my family life, but it would have had to have been on educating myself and/or working. Scripture describes my job-- I'm a keeper at home. I'm not interchangeable with my husband. It would be to deny God's word to have a different attitude. God created males and females, and He gave each different roles. Too many liberal women get offended when you talk about a wife's role in the Bible, but a follower of God embraces God's plan and purpose. He is a good God, all the time, and if there is a problem with what He's said, it is with my thinking, not His word. 

Why is it liberal women get to cover all the bases--they can think their husband is just as good as they are at being home full time with the kids, they can think their career is more important than being home full time, they can claim guilt about working because they 'want' to be home and think that equates doing the hard work of being home full time, they act like having a career is harder than being a full time mom, and they act like you have insulted them if they want to be outside the home...it can't be all those things. Bottom line, why can only liberal women have strong opinions about these things? I'm a conservative homemaker who believes that nothing is more important work for a mom than to stay home and raise her own children. I do not think every role women want to fulfill is 'the' best role. Everyone can't be doing what is best if we're doing different things, and I disagree that what is best for one person is different than for another in general because God has said what a wife/mother should do. It is not subject to human opinion. The family is designed to function in an optimal way-- God's way is THE best way.

Let's examine our beliefs and be consistent. If we think men and women are interchangeable, we don't have much ground to stand on with rejecting this transgender mess. Morality without the Bible is just an opinion that can change with the times and culture. God designed men and women, different yet equal. People are most fulfilled when they submit to God's design. Rejecting God's design, no matter how sincere one is, will never bring the happiness and contentment of accepting it. It doesn't mean a husband isn't more skilled at home skills or that a wife can't make more money than him, but God has laid out that a husband is to be the provider for his family and his wife is to help him by raising their children and keeping their home. Look at how communism, an ungodly form of government and societal rule, thrives when the husband is out of the way. The government becomes the husband, though it doesn't do the job as God designed. This is more evidence of God's design being to protect what He has given as a picture of His relationship with the church. There is a leader in the home, the dad, then others working together to fulfill different and needed roles. God is a God of order, and the beauty of a father leading, guiding, sacrificing for and protecting his family shows us how God Himself is toward His church. A man's wife supporting him, nurturing the next generation, and keeping their home fulfills her and utilizes her gifts in a complementary way. It is a beautiful design that is superior to anything else. 

Fresh roasted pumpkin seeds from a pie pumpkin grown by a friend on her farm.

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