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Safe in the Arms of God

The title of this blog post is the title of a book by Dr. John MacArthur, but I'm using it simply to say that as believers, we are safe, safest even, when we walk circumspectly, as the Lord desires.

Just as an unbeliever can't really claim that everything happens in their life for a good reason, or a reason that will bring some measure of 'positivity', everyone can't claim safety in the Lord. The benefits of being in a saving relationship with God, through Christ, are reserved for born-again Christians. There is not a middle ground. We are either in Christ and safe, or we are outside of Christ and VERY unsafe.

Sinful practices that lead to a lack of safety would be things like having sex outside of marriage or lying when you think it is justified (for example: you don't live in your college district for in-state rates but will say you do so you save money; you call out sick but are not sick; you intentionally mislead people about your actions; you don't claim all of your income on your taxes....). If you get drunk as a part of your life practice, or have other lifestyle sins God expressly prohibits, you can't claim the peace and safety which come from a saving relationship with God. The promises don't apply to people comfortably living in ways that God forbids. God has standards, and they cannot be lowered because someone feels they are the exception. How we live reveals our heart toward sin, and God is clear that those who claim to belong to Him, yet practice these and other sins, are not in Him. Believers represent God, and God has NO place in sin. He uses strong language about hating all who do iniquity. (Ps 5:5)

When Psalm 4:8 says, 'In peace I will both lie down and sleep, For you alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety', the believer can know he can safely rest in that truth. It isn't socially distancing that keeps the believer safe, it isn't wearing a mask, it isn't a vaccine, and it certainly isn't staying home for months and months avoiding interaction with one's fellow man to try to stay safe.

Am I staying safe? You betcha. I'm safe because I've trusted God to forgive my sins because of the shed blood of Christ, who died for a wretch like me, was buried and rose from the dead on the 3rd day. As a healthy person WELL under the age for COVID complications, I'm safe in church worshipping the Lord weekly with His people. A Christian who is out of fellowship with the body of Christ is at great risk for being drawn away from the truth. That person is not playing it safe when it comes to their spiritual health. (Christians who are at high risk for serious covid complications need to be proactive in guarding their minds while avoiding society obviously.) I'm safe because my faith is in the God of the Bible, not a man-made religion that thinks we earn the Holy Spirit of God in parts. You can't portion out the three members of the Trinity. 

A saved person attending a Bible preaching church is far safer than the unsaved person who has  quarantined for 10 months. A saved person with COVID is far safer than an unsaved person without COVID. These are dark times spiritually in America. There is a lot of wickedness abounding and more is about to abound with the new administration that is coming. 

Do homage to the Son, that He not become angry, and you perish in the way, For His wrath may soon be kindled. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him! Psalm 2:10

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