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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Wake Up, Americans!

What is better? 

A leader who is rude but has good policies, or a leader who is polite but kills while smiling? 

The liberal media is distracting the public with half-mast flags for COVID deaths while actively pushing the so-called Equality Act, which is the greatest assault on religious freedom to ever be proposed in the United States of America. This is classic liberalism, they are not supporting one of their own for some anti-republican rhetoric right now also, feigning taking the high-ground. Be on the alert, while smiling and doing these 'noble' things, they are working hard to make it so doctors can inject your child with sex-altering hormone therapy even if you the parent (who will be committing a criminal act) disagree. WAKE UP, AMERICANS!

Democrats Ramming Equality Act to Avoid Scrutiny

Franklin Graham Calls Equality Act a Smokescreen

Most Comprehensive Assault on Christianity Ever Written Into Law

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