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Isn't the Media Neutral?

Neutrality is a comfortable place to land. It is easy when we don't feel compelled to pick a side. Look at Sweden. Neutrality has been attributed to that country many times when we simply do not wish to engage in a disagreement or engage our minds enough to search out the truth. But when it comes to news sources, we are fooling ourselves if we think they are neutral. Many issues of our day are not neutral by any stretch, and if we are Christians, we're in dangerous territory if we pretend otherwise. Truly, we are deceived if we claim to live for Christ and yet view the media outlets as neutral. They are anything but. 

As Christians, we are either on the Lord's side or we are not. There are many circumstances in our culture that are either pleasing to God or they are an abomination to Him. Naturally we can conclude that God's people should stand on the side of the line where He is standing. How can we know which side God is on? Read the Bible. Trust it and change our opinions when they do not align with God's. Be in regular fellowship with other believers in church. Submit to the pastoral care and leadership in your church. 

Just as we'd be foolish to form an opinion on someone based solely on the words of their enemies, we are foolish to think we can label ourselves as something and then be that merely because we have a few ideas that seem to put us in that camp. If we claim to be in Christ, we need to check our selves against the Word of God and see if we really are there. 

Realize that the media is driven by an ideology that is not from the Bible. The media is not neutral. There is light and darkness in this world. The media is not ruled by God, they are not the path to truth and what is right. If we're digesting the mainstream media like it is a source of truth, we're in trouble as Christians. There is a spiritual battle being waged in our midst and quite simply, the mainstream media is not on the right side of the battle line.

Why was Rush Limbaugh such an important part of conservativism in America? Because he saw what the liberals and the biased media were doing and would report on it in ways regular folks could understand. The liberals who are anti-freedom hated him for it, but no matter how much they maligned him, they couldn't silence him because to silence him was to silence a LARGE amount of the American populous. There are millions of Americans, just like there were millions of Jews who opposed Hitler, who see what the liberals in this nation are about: control, tyranny, death, fear mongering, oppression and the like. The god of the liberals, including mainstream media, is the government. The God of conservatives is often the One True God, yet not always. How are their irreligious conservatives? Because many people see the tyrannical bent of the liberal media and they want no part of it. They want small government, freedom, and they understand that when the government thinks they are god, the people lose out.  

We must be critical thinkers if we're to stay on the right side of the road. Examine ourselves in light of Scripture--hate what God hates, love what God loves. And to be as shrewd as serpents yet as innocent as doves as the Bible says, we must understand what the wicked influences in this world system are and steer clear of them. 

Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test! 2 Cor 13:5

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