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Super Bowl Jeep Commercial

JEEP-(update: ad was subsequently pulled after Super Bowl due to drunk driving Springsteen. Is this even true, or is The Boss seeing that liberals only have use for you if you are accomplishing what they want? Did they need a reason to pull this unpopular ad?)

If you watched the Super Bowl, you know the company isn't afraid to show their liberal bend. To get an American icon like Bruce Springsteen to stand in the ad was well played since the company obviously wanted to show they endorse far politically liberal ideals. Springsteen has worked hard to get Democrats elected and he supports radical agendas like the transgender movement. We'd all like to think back on days when he seemed just like a neutral political person who put out satisfying tunes hearkening back to an America we all enjoyed more, but we really can't afford to keep our heads in the sand in the climate of this present day.

Liberals driving the cultural movements with the media and society are clever--they do nothing to promote unity in America when they are the political losers because unity to liberals means SUBMISSION. During President Trump's time in office they actually conjured up ways to promote disunity. Malice and ill will were propagated among the nation, and they promoted fear during the pandemic day and day out. I find it disheartening now to see they have the audacity to say that we're not at our best when we're fearful. They actually say we're the REunited States of America as if they are trying to LEAD this effort. Do they really think most Americans are so daft as to not be able to recognize the 180 degree shift? There are spiritual forces at work in our midst, and when I see a commercial like the Super Bowl JEEP commercial, that reality really stands out. 

To be plain, no commercial has more shockingly reminded me of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime. Nazi's would do things to make a situation exist, and when they led the people there, they would tell them how they'd been feeling or what they'd been doing wasn't right or good (have you read Animal Farm--examples of this abound with Communism). People being worked in this way are convinced they are standing on the higher ground, rather than where they are, which is the lowest rung on the totem pole, being manipulated to fit in to the liberal agenda the mainstream media promotes. 

Suddenly, the mantra is that if you don't promote unity in America, you are the problem. Please don't miss that those dissenting now will be the conservatives. When it was LIBERALS dissenting, DISSENTION was NOBEL. 

How many people watched that JEEP commercial, got teary-eyed and thought, "Yeah. This is what we need to do y'all, come together" ? Somehow missing that for the past 4 years the media and liberals never said that, they never thought it, and they promoted fear and a distrust among American citizens. Everything Donald Trump did was seen in as negative a light as possible, and false charges were continually laid at his door. Literally nothing the man did was seen well by the media. The idea of respectfully disagreeing never entered the minds of the liberal media and those who digest MSNBC or CNN. There was one acceptable way to think about covid: hide out in fear and if you love others, avoid them. Healthy dialogue died. Judgment abounded to the point of cutting off discussions among people who once were close. 

Everyone wants peace and a cohesive society, but to not give conservatives a voice is not only dangerous, it doesn't value those we may disagree with. The media said how bad conservatives were for 4 yrs and that if they weren't living in utter fear of COVID they were just willing to kill their neighbors essentially, and now fearful living is when "we're not at our best", simply because the liberals now say so? There has been so much misinformation and twisting of facts by the media. Please check out the websites listed on my sidebar to at least see a different perspective that is rather pervasive in America, but which doesn't get air time on mainstream media. Everyone does not agree with CNN and MSNBC...

We've needed to be focused on what really matters for ages--that this life is not all there is. There is an afterlife and people will spend it in Heaven or in Hell. There is one way to Heaven, by admitting you are a sinner and accepting Jesus Christ's payment for your sins by dying on the cross and then rising from the dead. That forgiveness brings ultimate peace and freedom!

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