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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Thank you, Rush

What do you write when you are just an average person who loves the Lord and has experienced the same sadness as many others in America, and probably the world? I can't add anything to what people far smarter than I are saying and will say. 

All I can do is tell you that the first time I heard Rush Limbaugh was riding in a car with a sales representative with ISK Biotech when I was 19 years old. We were in North Carolina and the man driving was showing me the lumber yards I'd be checking in with during that summer. This was to be a transformative summer in my life, and the fact I was introduced to Rush was probably no accident. 

Here I am 27 years later, having been brought up largely on conservative principles in church, but encouraged regularly by the now late, great Rush Limbaugh. He's done so much in being the voice of reason, logic, truth and courage for political conservatives. 

We are not all religious conservatives who loved Rush, but for those of us who are, I'm surely not alone in seeing the spiritual side of the timing of this. The dark days ahead for America will not be seen as such by the spiritually dead, but we know the truth. God is the judge and we need to draw closer to Him for our refuge and strength as His judgment draws nearer. 

I hope you are resting in peace, Rush Limbaugh. ♥

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