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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

God Saves Only Sinners by John MacArthur--Please Listen

It is a critical matter for people to understand how to be rightly reconciled to God Almighty. Many voices claim to have this information. Who will you trust with where your soul will spend eternity? Realizing that the wrong decision will land you eternally separated from the loving God of the universe, will you reconsider and give the matter a few minutes of your time today? Rather than light, you will be in darkness if the wrong path is taken. There is no changing course once death has come. 

Please listen to this sermon or read the transcript from Pastor John MacArthur explaining what the Bible teaches. 

You may have already demonstrated by your life that you do not care what the Bible teaches. Perhaps you have created your own god and have opted to follow your own opinions on matters of eternity. Perhaps you have made your self out to be god and so deny there is any deity higher than you. 

Take a chance and listen or read anyway. 

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