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Liberal Women Among the Most Unhappy in America

If I were to hazard a guess as to the most unhappy, stressed, and unfulfilled women in America, it is those women who have thwarted God's design for them. Mind you, some of these characterizations happen among women I wouldn't classify as 'liberal' overall, but they are in segments, which still leads to negative consequences.

Why do I write this? It isn't to be mean-spirited, it is with the hope someone will see themselves herein and realize there is another path to take. A road less traveled but which affords greater peace and contentment than the worldly one. At the bottom I've included links that support my view that women are less happy today than they have been prior to all of these liberal advances. My reasons for why this is the case are below. The articles give their reasons. 

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. Jn 16:33

With that, I give you my thoughts on liberated women. 

The Situation

Liberal women:

They are independent in spirit, often not giving credence to modesty in dress or demeanor. They do what they want, when they want. The latter is the main point which transcends the age of the liberal woman.

These women put career above family duties. The best of their time and energy is focused outside of the home.

Often, childbearing is not their number one desire, it is work and making as much money as possible. They have kids to check a box, but their heart is not nearly as close to home as it could be. This is not referring to if they work, but their priorities and ideological views. 

Liberal women commit sexual sin before marriage, so what would normally compel a man to marry has been taken off the table. He gets what is natural for him to want without any commitment. These women wrongly equate sex drives of men and women, denying God's design for men. They think it preposterous to recognize that it is natural and right for the sexual desire to be a part of why people should marry. These women think that marriage can, and often should, be delayed. (Evidence of this, particularly during this global pandemic, is  that they say it is acceptable to put off marriage until times and restrictions are better...The Bible warns about committing fornication, which is very likely to happen if marriage is delayed. Sexual sin is a BIG deal to God. It is deplorable how many so-called believers act like it would be better to just have sex and wait until a big wedding can be had)...God does not think that way at all. 

I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. Rev 3:15

God's ways bring blessings

It is easier for men not to lead and not take on the responsibility of a family if a woman is letting them get the milk for free, without buying the cow. Leading a family takes hard work and grit, and we've successfully hampered this drive in men as women have sent the message that they don't need or want that protection. The very women who really want to get married and have kids have helped usher in this cultural shift. God has put the responsibility to lead on a man's shoulders, and a woman cuts his legs out from under him if she enables him to shirk this duty. She must be willing to follow to encourage him.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. Eph 5:22-24

We know, however, that liberal women reject God's order of a man leading his family while she willingly follows his lead. Women who are sickened at the thought of their husband having the role of making final decisions, and bearing the responsibility for those decisions, are liberal women. 

Often these women lie to create a caricature of what they want their life to be, and it is easy to catch them in these if they've failed to give their husband the script on a particular issue. God holds husbands/fathers responsible for how their family is managed, irrespective of people's opinion on it.

To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children; Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you. Gen 3:16

The Bible says that women want to rule over our husbands, and if we don't respect them, which financial disparities can cause, we will shift the safe dynamic God has outlined. It is much easier to maintain the dynamic God has given for the family if the wife is a keeper at home and if her husband provides. It is the world's wisdom which says the roles of men and women are interchangeable. This denies Creation and God's word, and we see it in the stressed, anxious lives of women who are trying to be the man of their house. Again, dual income families can function as God says, but it is more challenging and puts more stress on the wife, and thus, the family. Her important work requires her full time effort and time, so something must fall off the table if she is also trying to be the provider. (I do know women who prefer to not work but their husbands do not recognize the value they would be able to bring as full time homemakers unfortunately, and of course this is not referring to men who want to work and cannot. Hopefully people reading this realize this is directed to people choosing lifestyles that lock them in to a way of life that rejects God's word.)

Sadly, and with a warning I say this-- many of these women who hate the things of God will use His name to sound like they love Him. But the Bible is clear that if you love God, you will do what He commands. We are without excuse if we do not know what He commands. Everyone has a Bible or has access to one in America. 

For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome. 1 Jn 5:3

For the record, supporting the killing of an unborn baby is not loving God, obeying God, or representative of God. Don't use His name like you belong to Him if you support abortion, which if you vote Democrat in America, you do. That is what politicization of issues does--one camp is against killing the unborn and one camp strives to expand abortion rights--every term. To pretend otherwise is just a deceiving of oneself. Christians need to stand for what God stands for, all the time.

These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:  A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,  An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,  A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren. 
Prov 6:16-19

After writing this I decided to search online for anything about unhappy women in America, which I had not done prior to writing.

Here is what I found from this secular source:

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