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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Why the Equality Act is a Disaster for Society

This is not the time for Christians to be absorbed with their own little lives, ignoring what is politically going on. We have to be engaged in the culture right now. 

The Equality Act tramples on the religious freedom the US Constitution protects. It will classify the definition of gender as a civil rights issue. This is the highest protection there is, and it spells disaster for people who belong to God or those with religious beliefs that oppose homosexual 'marriage', transgenderism and other perversions of God's design. 

What Does Concerned Women for America Say?

Those of us who are against these things are not against them due to our own opinions, it is the morality that God, who created us and this world, set forth. Why does anything qualify as a sin? It is because God, who has the right to say so, has said so. We don't pick and choose what is true and what isn't. We can't say something isn't a sin for us but is for others or vise versa. Right is right and wrong is wrong. God sets the boundaries. We either choose to acknowledge that or we don't. There isn't a 'make your own God' clinic that gets us in to Heaven or reconciles us to God. 

God says that living together outside of marriage with someone you are having sex with is sin. He says that murder is sin. He hates hands that shed innocent blood. God makes the rules and if we claim to be Christians, our job isn't to defend what God has said, but it is to live and uphold what He has said. We are not helping people to pretend otherwise and we hurt the cause of Christ if we justify the sin around us because it misleads people. How awful to give someone a false assurance they will spend eternity with God in Heaven when the truth is, according to His word, they are heading to Hell if they don't change course. 

What Does The Catholic League Say?

Who cares what ACL thinks about this or that issue. There is no glory in our opinion!  What matters is this: what does God think about it? What does He say about it? We're here to proclaim the truth of God's word. 

The issues plaguing our society are not murky. We can know what God says and we can rest assured that if we are choosing to snub Him and sin, we WILL pay the consequences. There are always consequences to sin. No one who is born again can live a sinful lifestyle comfortably. Thus, if you are living a sinful life (cohabitating, engaging in homosexuality, denying your gender at birth), you are very likely not in Christ, which means, you will pay the penalty for your sins in eternity. That will mean you are in Hell when you die, because the only way to go to Heaven is as the result of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. When we humbly go to God for forgiveness, it is because we have asked Him to forgive our sins based on Christ's sacrifice. This is not a mental acknowledgment. It involves our turning AWAY from sin henceforth and living for Christ. A gratitude pours forth from us and we WANT to please to God. Either Christ pays for your sins, or you do. When He pays, Heaven awaits. When you pay, Hell awaits, because we can never satisfy God's requirements on our own.

Friend, if you are justifying your sinful decisions and actions and do not care what God says, why would you think you are going to Heaven when you die? Is it due to a feeling you have or because you read the Bible sometimes? Satan knows the Bible very well, how else did he tempt Christ by quoting (and misquoting) Scripture? We must die to ourselves and accept Christ's forgiveness for our sins.

Christians and those morally opposed to the tenets of the Equality Act need to join in prayer to God Almighty to protect us from this oppression and take action! (of course, Election Day was the biggest day to take action because it was well known that Democrats support this measure)

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