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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Who Should Christians Vote For?

Elections are not about individuals. They are about platforms, ideology and theology. Christians are to be about their Father's business, all the time. God ordained marriage between one man and one woman. He created them, male and female. He knits humans together in their mother's womb. People are created in His image, they are special, and to end innocent life is murder, no matter the gestation, age, race or creed. There are more black unborn children murdered annually via abortion, yet this is not talked about as our nation ramps up equality debates. Woe to those whose hands shed innocent blood or who turn a blind eye and align with those who do, directly or indirectly.

To corrupt children is wicked. Telling them they are not the gender they clearly are corrupts them. Woe to those who do such things or turn a blind eye to such treachery.

God ordained the family, a married father and mother, to raise their own children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Therefore, the family, as the example of Christ's relationship with the church, is to be holy. It is to be an example of loving order and different, but complementary roles. This is not negotiable for those who claim to follow Christ. God created and designed men to be the priest, provider and protector of his home and family. Some of the most unhappy women I know are those who have chosen to ignore this truth. Women are not designed to carry their family, and we see the results in the stress and lack of contentment those who do, exude. Wives are to be a suitable helper to their husbands, and there is such freedom and joy in this. Sadly, women have largely bought in to the lie that this is oppressive. We see the results. The happiest women I know understand and embrace this truth. 

God is the head of society; not the government. This is a foundational difference between the political parties in America, and if Christians won't stand for it, who will? Foundations built on the government are controlled by a corrupt entity that shifts. A foundation built on Christ is unshakable and will not shift with the corrupt schemes of men.

Satan is using COVID and shameless fear mongering to make people lose sight of this and other matters far more important than if we will get a virus

We Are All Going to Die One Day. This is apparently news to some people. 

What is the bigger danger for people? Living, possibly unsaved and never getting COVID, even if that means not worshiping God, not using our gifts to bless the church, being isolated and lonely, and suffering severe economic repercussions, or living life and being reasonably careful but not shutting ourselves off from the world and getting COVID? 

Closing people off from each other is a sure way to slow the spread of the gospel. It is a sure way for fledgling Christians to be cut off from their lifeline, the church and the fellowship of believers. This results in weak believers who can be duped by the schemes of the devil and their own flesh. Being closed off ensures we as Christians are not blessing others. Does the Lord not determine our days, virus or no? Let it not be said of those who belong to Christ they loved their own lives so much that they refused to worship and serve the Lord as we're told to do. Let us be an example to those coming after us of what it means to follow God during hard times. Let us be an example of living out Romans 12:1-2. What if all the missionaries loved their lives to the degree Christians in America apparently do? It is not a contradiction to be thankful for life yet not stay closed off from the world because of a virus that nearly everyone under 65 years old recovers from! Give adults the option to put their own life at risk--this is freedom. There are plenty of elderly who would rather risk getting COVID, even if it means possibly dying from it, rather than live shut off from their loved ones. People need to be touched by other people. 

Those with plenty of money can afford to think the economy doesn't matter. They can afford to think shutting down the world is the only answer, not seeing how the economy is really PEOPLE. When it is all about us, isn't that what we call selfish and short-sighted? We can say that living broke, not providing for our kids, hiding out in povery is better than being dead, but let's remember that the recovery rate for children and healthy adults is around 99 percent. How weak have we become as a people? For crying out loud, again I remind us that death IS coming for us all. This is NOT the bubonic plague, people. Even if it was, people need to eat. The government is no one's savior.

How should a Christian vote in the upcoming presidential election? In a way that aligns with what God has outlined clearly in His word. On issues we want to claim He is silent on, vote on the issues He is anything BUT silent on.

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