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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Want to be Holier?

Great sermon today from Evangelist Wayne McCray entitled, 'Your Response Matters to God".

Do you want to grow in personal godliness? 

Do you want to nurture a closer relationship to the Lord? 

This message will point out how to accomplish those goals. Here is a hint, no one falls into holiness.

Something on my heart to share: there is no prize for attending church, or listening to a sermon, then picking it apart. Trying to show others (particularly children) the errors or shortcomings, if not done carefully and with discretion, can actually teach them to not have faith. Church hopping sends the message that there are no worthwhile churches, which  teaches kids that they won't find a church either when they are grown and searching. 

God is very clear that believers are to be accountable to a church regularly. We are to assemble consistently and use the gifts He has given us to serve one another. In Revelation we see many churches and the problems, but they were still churches. Faithful people can be found in even bad churches. We should find the best we can and plug in. Perhaps we are the problem more than the doctrine or people that rub us wrong. Is it possible we hide behind our critiques, thinking they offer a more valid excuse than they do, for our lack of participation?

Obstacles may be opportunities to persevere and prove our faith. We should seek unity on the major tenets, and not try to change whatever church we're a part of. A spirit of division, or looking for a church for reasons other than growing in faith, are red flags. People who claim to be Christians, but who are not active members of a gospel preaching church, should give us pause if we are following Christ. Our close friends should be striving in the same direction as we are, and regularly checking their beliefs against God's truth, changing their opinions or beliefs when necessary.

So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; Phil 2:12

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