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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Final Sermon on Final Justice: The Return of Christ

I finished listening to this 3 part sermon series, Final Justice the Return of Christ, today while working out. If you are a believer, I think you will find it VERY encouraging. It is dreadful what unbelievers will experience, and that should encourage us to keep witnessing to those the Lord has put in our path to witness to. It is uplifting to know that God is sending Jesus back for those who have repented of their sins and have trusted Christ's payment for their sin. He sees what we endure and He will help us suffer for righteousness sake.

The reality of the mass carnage that will occur when the final judgment occurs, and the birds of the air being called to eat of the carrion...it is wild and terrifyingly powerful of God. Pastor MacArthur is talking about the largest bird migrations and how they occur over Israel....After the birds have eaten the remains of all the wicked the Lord has killed, it will take 7 months to bury the remaining bones and debris. What is shocking is that prior to this destruction of the wicked, the people will still not repent, but will want to hide and have the mountains fall on them! The lengths people will go to so they can remain in their sin, and not repent, are always shocking to me. This world is so wicked. Come, Lord Jesus, come!

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