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The Dying Arborvitae Row, Mulched...but Not Forgotten, Sept 11, 2020


Even the dog can't believe it...

I've treated with insecticides, thinking the issue was leaf borers. To protect against the kind of drought we had this summer, I pulled out the extensive Periwinkle and other plants and will just keep it mulched.

But I just read an article about spider mites and how they take over in hot, dry conditions, often starting the death spiral. The guy who wrote the article initially posted in 2011 but has updated through the years. First thing tomorrow, I'm doing a white paper test. Regardless, I'll either treat with Neem oil or Fung-Onil. Seven isn't helping, and may be harming if it is mites. Ugh. Losing a privacy hedge is not cool. 

(Arborist said heavy rains after the drought saturated the soil, which is rich and heavy, causing root rot. I watered during drought, probably too much. Soil smelled bad and roots were small. Trees went from lush to clearly browning and thinning in two weeks. By 4 it was evident we were in a difficult spot. Evidence of root rot was trees could be pushed and moved by Arborist, and he isn't a big guy. I moved a few trees to different locations in our yard and they are doing ok but don't look good and never will look as they did.  Hindsight--wish I moved trees in row much faster once it was clear a couple were dying fast. Update: 6/2021)

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