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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

We Will Still Not Be Shaken- Pastor Darrin

Pastor Darrin's love for the people God has entrusted him to shepherd comes out through the careful attention he gives to proclaiming biblical truths. This brief 7 minute message brings the quarantine period full circle as we all plan to re-enter society more fully in the coming days. I hope you'll take time to view.

We Will Still Not Be Shaken-Ps 16

In addition to the short message above, I wanted to share the Wednesday night study Pastor Darrin has been doing for April and May. It is on the life of John Flavel and lessons from Scripture we learn on how to deal with suffering. In the days we've just come through and surely in the days ahead, Pastor Darrin has wanted to equip believers to rightly deal with suffering. During the 8 weeks of quarantine, we have enjoyed the services from our own home church, but also the two weekly services with First Baptist.  I  thank God for this extra time to dig into His word in this manner.

Wed Night Bible Study April-May First Baptist Wheeling

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