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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Poll: Parents ‘More Likely’ to Homeschool Post-COVID

Shock Poll: Parents ‘More Likely’ to Homeschool Post-COVID: We're about to see a huge sea change in education as parents realize that homeschooling can be done much faster than traditional school....

I'm very thankful we could homeschool. My kids got so much time to play and learn other skills during the elementary years. School did not take nearly as long as it does in traditional schools. It is terrible to me to have kids in a building for 8 hrs and then give them more work at home. There is not nearly enough time for proper playing, rest, time outdoors...it is just go, go, go.

Middle school and high school take longer, naturally. Upper high school, since it involves dual-enrollment courses, takes all day, but that is time spent learning and working, not wasted time that still leaves hours of homework. The majority of my kids' learning has been done 8 am to 5 pm Mon-Fri. There are some evenings and some weekends that require time for school, and some days folks would start earlier in the morning, but they set their pace and make their schedule. All good skills.

I'd never trade those younger years for brick and mortar school. Buy a smaller house, go down to one car, move to a cheaper area...it is worth it to be able to have one parent raising the kids, to include educating them.

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