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The Federalist: Why Christian Kids Don't Belong in Public Schools

Why Christian Kids Don't Belong in Public Schools-The Federalist

Ignoring that there is ideology and worldview wrapped up in education does not negate the negative impacts that those ideologies bring. I know it is unpleasant to think of such things...it is nice when we in society are all on the same page. Sadly, the truth is, there is no such thing as neutral education.

The Bible tells us we are to be as shrewd as serpents yet innocent as doves. When I think of education, I always think of this verse as well as Luke 6:40. There are world forces in play that we cannot stem simply by wanting to, or giving a measure of mental ascent to.

Just as a sapling will grow in the direction the gentle, yet steady, breeze urges, so our children will grow based on the worldview of their educational years. Is God given glory and woven into all subject matter, or is self-reliance, positive self-esteem, and humanism really the foundation being laid? What is our own foundation, if we take time to examine it carefully, in light of God's word?

It is a humbling exercise to see how my own thinking is still impacted by my public school education. The issue of worldview is so pervasive, most of us fail to see our own humanistic undercurrents. It takes regularly rubbing up against those whose worldview is more biblical to gradually see where ours actually aligns more with those who deny God and His truth. It takes bringing every thought into captivity under the careful eye of God and the truth in His word. He has given us resources and leaders to explain these things to help us all. I've posted several videos on my side bar for just this reason. Ken Ham and Pastor Voddie Baucham know what the deal is, and they care enough about the church of God to tell it to us straight. Isn't that what love is?

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