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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

John MacArthur on The Rapture and Resurrection

The Rapture and Resurrection, single sermon by John MacArthur

Series from Dr. John MacArthur: The Rapture and the Day of the Lord 

A nice topic to ponder during this Covid-19 pandemic. The food and supply shortages, power of the weather, out-of-the-blue Harvard University attack on homeschooling when the entire nation has been forced to finish school at home, Virginia rolling back numerous laws that protected the unborn, Virginia tightening gun control laws, and speed at which the nation shut down (though killing the unborn remained essential nearly everywhere) have reminded me that God is the One who is Sovereign. This present world is ruled by Satan, and it is wise to realize venues he utilizes. Overall, it is wisest to be right with God. If a global pandemic won't make you do what God says....well, this sermon or the series linked above is one you might care to listen to.

Only those truly in Christ will be raptured before the 7 year tribulation period begins. For 3.5 yrs the world will seem to prosper, but then the Abomination of Desolation will occur at the site of the Temple Mount and the anti-Christ will be fully revealed for who he is. Up until then people will think he is wonderful--the deception will swallow up nearly everyone. Then for 3.5 yrs it will be terrible and the only way people will be saved from eternal damnation will be through martyrdom. Does that sound like a plan that comes from a God who will let just anyone into eternal rest with Him?

Take a few minutes to read 1 Cor 6 for a few commands of the Lord; things that show where our hearts are and who our God is (us or Him).

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter." Matt 7:21

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