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Science Resources

I've recently been inspired to share some resources for providing a biblically sound science education for children of all ages.

Wonders of Creation 9 Book Set I loved this for extra reading materials. It can also be used for a curriculum. See more below.

Master Books Curriculum Options

Berean Builders
I respect Dr. Jay Wile and this something new he's done. It is a new elementary science curriculum and one of Cathy Duffy's top picks. I've looked his new Discovering Design with Chemistry and it is great, particularly for students who will go through the book primarily on their own. Essentially it is the 3rd edition of Apologia's 2nd ed. Chemistry, which he wrote. (Apologia hired someone else to do their 3rd edition Chemistry, and we don't love it as much as Dr. Wile's materials. There are problems with significant figures not being consistently and clearly explained with Apologia's 3rd edition Chemistry).

Moody Science DVDs These do a terrific job showing science and the logical conclusion there is a Creator. A fun way to treat the kids after a good day of school!

Apologia Science I loved Jeannie Fulbright's elementary science as well as Apologia's General Science, Physical Science, Biology and 2nd ed. Chemistry.

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