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Quick and Tasty Chicken Pot Pie



I know there are tons of recipes out there for pot pie. My sister gave me this one over the phone the other night and it was a hit. I mixed it up in minutes and popped it in the oven.The key is starting with a terrific chicken. We get ours from a local farm, organic feed and plenty of grass, plus the breed is high quality. This was meal 2/4 off of that bird...

Chicken Pot Pie

Cover 9 x 13 pan generously with chicken and if you have leftover potatoes or carrots, add them (from previous roasted chicken dinner)

1 bag mixed vegetables (I know, always included, but this is to be fast and easy!)

Take 1 cup of the broth (I always make home made and it adds a lot of flavor this dish, so if you must use bought broth, heavily season with things like pepper, garlic, parsley, and onion) and mix it with 2 cans of creamed soup. I used mushroom and chicken, could do any combo you like. Mix this with the aforementioned ingredients.

Sprinkle top thoroughly with chia seed, minced onion, pepper, parsley and if you want more garlic than the broth already has, add that, too (minced or grated).

Mix 1 cup flour, 1 cup milk and 1 stick of melted butter. Pour over top of chicken mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour or until top is nicely browned. This won't puff up like a dumplin', but it is really good. The butter is key :).

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