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Reading "When Happily Ever After Shatters"

My friend's book arrived the other day, and tonight I read the first 7 chapters. 

If you are a child of divorce, have a close friend whose gone through divorce, are someone whose ever contemplated leaving your spouse, are someone whose dealt with adoption-abandonment issues, are someone who was victimized in a way that left you with anger difficulties, have had a friend or other loved one betray you...please consider reading Sue Birdseye's book, When Happily Ever After Shatters. 

Her situation is one of the worst imaginable, and yet the way God held her, and continues to, is an incredibly powerful testimony of His grace and ability. I know my perspective is a little different from someone who doesn't know her, but let me just tell you that she is who she portrays herself to be in her book. It isn't a façade. Since it is a book about abandonment of a spouse and how to get through it, being married will certainly help those other issues I mentioned because anyone who has a close friendship with their spouse will be able to understand the utter devastation Sue faced. She and her husband were friends-not strangers sharing a living space.

I hope that whether you are hurting personally or not, you'll consider getting this book as a resource for your 'counseling' library. It is sure to help someone before long.



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