I was at our local Patient First today with a friend, who then needed to go on to a hospital. There are several in my area, and she wanted to go to a newer one I've never been to. The day involved calling her regular doctor before we even went to Patient First...and thus, the title of my post, "Doing Our Best".
The receptionist at the doctor's office was definitely not revealing she is in the right job for her personality. Thankfully I wasn't free to stop over there after hanging up the phone. Were her boss standing there, she would have been better. At Patient First they tried to ask the right questions and I was happy with how things went, but sometimes the elderly don't remember things, and they are doing their best...so it's OK. Moving on to the hospital. Nothing I saw today would make me want to head south on 95 to go there over the 2 options up my way...until this beautiful nicely dressed woman happened by to help us...and it turned out she is the COO of the entire hospital. She probably noticed the blood all over the blanket from a sloppy IV situation and vials left sitting on the counter, and she definitely noticed I didn't know the doctor's name since some info on the white board (dated 2 days ago) was incorrect....it was interesting to see the nurse's personality improve with the COO in the room. The COO was doing HER best, but the nurse wasn't until she was watched. And the sloppy phlebotomist? If she was doing her best, maybe she needed a nap.
I know we can't all be on our best all day, each day, but when you are in the medical field, there is a measure of kindness and competence that is expected. People who are being tested, especially the very old, need gentleness and heated blankets for crying out loud. It doesn't make you feel good when you are the person pointing out what the problem seems to be with the patient, either...especially when the first location ignores you and the 2nd one agrees but takes forever addressing it.
It all serves as a reminder to me as a Christian, am I doing my best, realizing God is continually aware of my thoughts and actions?
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