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Command Hooks

I really should get up and take a few pictures of all the glorious uses for Command hooks in our home which have helped me get organized and feel less stress!

When you walk in our house there is a closet for coats, which could easily be bigger, but it is adequate. My younger children can't reach the bar, and putting in a lower one hasn't been an option because of how we use the lower space....solution: Command hooks on the back of the door. It's also where I stow the dog's harness and leash, and I hang a few canvas bags for piano lesson day. The kids can quickly pack up what they need to take, using those easy-to-locate bags.

Another key location for the very small hooks--one of my kitchen cabinets under the sink. I hang the travel sized Norwex cloths there. Along a wall in my kitchen that is hidden to the majority of people, I have a few larger hooks for the wet Norwex mop pad and full-sized Norwex antibac cloths and polishing cloths.

In the kid's bathroom I have one hook on the back of the door, lower than the permanent nice one, and my next move is to put a few on the shower door so I can hang their Norwex face cloths there. The curtain can be pulled to hide them once they are dry.

I've got the hooks in my bathroom as well, for Norwex and a basket that holds some items I want easy access to monthly. Command hooks aren't beautiful, but I'm continually repurposing space in our home, and the versatility of them is priceless. I use nails to hang laundry baskets up above my head in our laundry room, but you could use the heavy-duty hooks for that even!

command hooks