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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Inauguration Day 2021

The liberal Pope Francis is a weak, deceptive excuse for a Catholic. He assists the ushering in of wickedness and supports killing the unborn.

Look at what he is doing to pro-life bishops- Bishops who do not support the moral evils the Pope is hushing.

I used to take some comfort in the bumper sticker that reads "You Can't be Catholic and Pro-Choice". While I don't think most Catholics are born again, I always liked that they at least fought against the war on babies. I've seen first hand how some of today's Catholics are all too eager to have the blood of saline burned bodies of unborn infants on their hands. Some I was once close to helped usher in the horrendous anti-life Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, doing what I never thought I'd see. 

People who don't read from solid news sources like The Federalist or don't read the Bible so they know what God's priorities are, should not claim to know God and then vote. Judgment awaits--God hates hands that shed innocent blood, and it is too far of a jump to say having a rally is equivalent to the purposeful sucking out of an unborn babies brains so you can deliver its then perfect, murdered body. Democrats yearn to expand abortion rights. The new administration wants to roll back the Hyde Amendment and the Mexico City Policy, which will force taxpayers to fund the killing of the unborn again. 

These folks also long to take children out of the home as young as possible so they can be brainwashed by educational "professionals" and taught that gender is a fluid concept  (this is a direct denial of God's beautiful design for mankind, who is made in His image). Democrats are going to reap what they have sown, and may God protect those nearby from the collateral damage. It is a promise and principle set in place by the Creator of the universe. Traditional Catholics stand by values that promote life, religious liberty, and one's gender as given by God. We who represent God because of Christ will also reap what we have sown. That should motivate us to pray for those going to Hell unless their lives intersect with Jesus Christ, resulting in a relationship with Him. That should motivate us to speak the truth, in love. 

With this I bid you, 

Happy Inauguration Day 2021

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