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I'm a Christian-- How Do I Vote?

Having a blog means having a chance to say things one doesn't often get a chance to say. 

With that I share that I don't vote for people; I don't support most candidates as people. I learned long before the embarrassment of our current President to stick to policies.  As a representative of Jesus Christ, I'm accountable to God for how I cast my vote. If I'm unsure of a so-called conservative, I'll trust God and make sure that I can answer to Him on how I vote. Of course I understand 3rd parties and what they do; of course I understand man's wisdom of 'vote for the better person' or 'vote against someone'. That doesn't always apply, however, because at the end of the day, I answer to God. It is He who puts people in power--and I can trust Him to deal with the results. I'll write someone in that I can stand before God and say I voted for in good conscience before I vote my party during an election where there is no clear choice for someone policy-wise. Man's wisdom doesn't trump my being accountable to God at the end of any day.

This all said, our last Presidential election left little room for a Christian to do anything surprising with their vote. We're dealing with very wicked policies from the Democratic party in America. To vote Democrat was to vote to kill the unborn--expanding policies to the max to give as much free reign as possible to tearing those babies apart. To vote Democrat was to support the government overstepping parental rights. This overstepping puts people with disabled children in a predicament if they don't do all the right paperwork as their child reaches 18 yrs old. It makes the government the parent and works to destroy the family as God designed. This overstepping means school officials can confidentially help your child decide they are going to ignore their God-ordained gender. To vote Democrat was to spit in the face of God. 

No genuine, right-thinking Christian could vote Democrat in today's climate. I won't put that on a 'welcome to my church' sign, but I'll put it out for Christians to read because sanctification demands we answer for how we think about the political issues that impact life and the family. I'm not helping a brother or sister in Christ if I pretend they can ignore how the teachings in government funded schools are an affront to God Almighty. No, this isn't an issue to talk to an unbeliever or baby Christian about, but what of the mature believer who wants to act like public schools are neutral spiritually? Realize the Democrats are the National Education Association and they do not like freedom in education for a reason. There is a dangerous agenda in government funded schools. For the majority of Christians, they are a terrible choice. In my state, our department of education is looking at instilling policies that put school officials in positions of great authority over children, irrespective of the parents. Very dangerous stuff. Parents are responsible for what they allow to influence the children God has entrusted to them.

Why am I saying any of this? Because I want to be clear that I have never come out as a person who endorses President Trump. He is not a godly man. He is not a polite man. He does not represent me or Christian behaviors. However, his policies support where I stand on some key issues, and I'm pleased with the direction he's tried to take America the last 4 yrs. You won't find me aligning myself with him through yard signs and bumper stickers. Do those things help elections? Sure, but I answer to God for who and what I hitch my wagon to. I don't want an unbeliever to shun talking to me because of how I'm going to vote. It isn't THAT important--to hinder my witnessing opportunities. But it IS important enough that I get out there and vote according to the principles that matter to me as a representative of Jesus Christ. Because I am a Christian, I'd be ashamed for anyone to think I was a major pro-Trump person. His actions do not glorify God, plain and simple. He acts reckless and rude and does not use wisdom or tact. But I sure will come forth clearly that I vote for protection of the unborn. I vote for parental rights. I vote for freedom with education. Let it be known I will never vote opposite of life if at all possible, no matter how it is packaged with a candidate. Wearing a mask during covid is not caring more about life than protecting the unborn. Only a deceived person would think that way. President Trump has stood by many conservative principles that should be a concern for Christians. He is not a true conservative, but sadly our nation is so far gone we will not vote in a truly good conservative leader. That said, if we are not using the venues God has given us to represent what is right, I expect we will have to give an account on that. May we use wisdom and not steer our kids wrong with their priorities due to our passion for politics, or lose credibility ourselves as lacking wisdom or discretion.

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