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Fetal Cell Lines--What is it All About?

Unfortunately at some point the issue of aborted fetuses comes up with most vaccination discussions. With the covid vaccine being new, there are a few fresh articles discussing this. 

This one from  Nebraska Medicine in Omaha is succinct. 


This interview is a bit longer but also worth looking at:


Understanding more about this:


Many in our nation are in healthcare fields that require vaccinations. These are tough issues. It is a personal decision each one of us has to make. Does using fetal lines equate fetal tissue being in the vaccination? Does the good that vaccines do get overlooked because of the tainted process by which the vaccine came into existence or was verified? When our own livelihood isn't impacted, we can more readily denounce any part in aborted fetuses in connection with vaccines. It is important, however, to realize that our fellow citizens may be in a much different predicament. May God have mercy on us as we work through these things. 

I hate that aborted fetuses have ever had any part in medicine. It is deplorable to me. But the fact the babies were not killed for medical reasons should be noted. It may not change a person's view, but is it the same thing to kill a baby for medical investigation vs. using the cells for science after the child was already killed? Maybe, maybe not. Some would say that the good which came from the aborted child is a blessing given the fact the innocent child's life was taken by its mother for her convenience. It is rather like donating your own organs should you die by murder rather than an accident. Does the murder get condoned because your organs have helped someone else live? Of course not. But it would be different to murder someone expressly for their cells and then try to make good out of it. With an innocent, aborted child, of course the best thing would have been for the baby to have had a proper burial, honoring its life and the fact it was created in the image of God. For an adult who is shot in cold blood to have their body for scientific advancements, it somehow seems better. Is it the fact the unborn child had no choice in the matter? What if the murdered adult didn't either? I'm against shooting people in cold blood. I'm also against abortion. But I do want to be consistent in my logic if possible.

This is a sin-wrought world. We should all be concerned with the judgment of God, but just what that looks like, as we've seen with mask compliance,  will vary from person to person. This is simply one argument in the corner of why the federal government should not mandate vaccinations.

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