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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

A Satisfying Tuesday

Today was full of the things I love doing: fine detail cleaning, repairing a door, editing a couple of essays, grocery shopping for some specific items, executing a new recipe for dinner, and time with family and the dog. I even got nice time in with the neighbor's cat!

For lunch, yesterday's soup was redesigned to include bacon, potatoes and corn. The kids appreciated this greatly. 

Then we had arugula and spinach stuffed pitas with watercress pesto for dinner. Sides were spiced apples (sauteed in water), and black eyed peas. The pesto consists of walnuts, cashews, roasted garlic, watercress, and non-dairy unsweetened milk. It was a quick item to whip up in the Vitamix. The longest part was 15 min to roast the garlic. :) I threw the kids a bone and made them some chicken tenderloins to put in their pitas. Otherwise this is a fast vegan dinner full of nutrition and flavor.

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