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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

A Celebrated Wednesday

Today began early as a nightmare awoke me, but a loved one was having surgery so I was glad to stay up. It gave me the chance to pray and send her a note. God has really blessed us with the way the surgery went. I'm so grateful. Words fall short.

The day was in full swing by 7:30 and I made baked eggs to accompany the sausage, potatoes and toast for the kid's breakfast. More cleaning and scheduling took place as well as exercise, then it was time to leave.

During co-op I had time to run to a few stores for some homeopathic medicine. When one of the people entrusted to my care is sick, it is possible I'm known to provide a multiplicity of treatments. With school just starting and any cold symptom being frowned upon, this illness and its treatment were destined to be legendary. And they have been. I need a job now...m

My goal to make new Nutritarian recipes this week has been going swell. Tonight was a stir fry that I added shrimp to, for the kids ;). It was very yummy and easy.

Furhman doesn't have bean noodles (glass) or the store bought egg rolls, but you get the idea! Another heavy veggie night for the kids. By the way, I don't plan to buy those noodles again.

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