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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Hypocrisy During COVID

What does hypocrisy look like during COVID-19?

It looks like making others comply with your rules while justifying why you don't have to follow another's rules.

It looks like promoting how careful you are being while then choosing to do something dangerous (according to the news) because to do otherwise would inconvenience you.

It looks like this--you criticize what others are doing while doing exactly what you want to do, and wording things so that you come out seeming righteous.

It is the classic way liberals act, I'm sad to say. Rules apply to 'everyone else' because only 'I' am truly careful. There is a definite possibility other people are carrying and spreading COVID-19, but not you or your family.

It is predictable who will act like this, and yet it is still maddening. None of us are special. The rules apply to us all and if they don't, well, let's make sure we don't lump our family members in with our personal circumstances.

Remember, how you are, your children will see and will become just like it. 

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