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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Starting to Wind Down

It nearly escaped me that we're in the 2 week period before end of year testing! Last year I had test preparation books for each of my kids, but this year I only have one for the youngest. It is hard to turn-off the regularly scheduled work in lieu of review and test taking skills, but alas, it is time. It's pretty exciting that I'm not completely burned out this year; I feel we could keep going with school. That is probably a good thing since for the first time ever, two of my students are doing some math from their regular math curriculum this summer.

There are always so many worthwhile books I come across at the end of the year-things I'd wanted to do but never got to, or things I'd forgotten about. It has often felt like we need a year to just do all these little things, but there are always more important subjects/materials to cover. I suppose that is the nature of home schooling. There is so much to learn and learn about!!

I hope your year is wrapping up nicely,


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