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Silence in the Church

Silence in the Church

By Daymond Duck

The Bible teaches that there will be a one-world government during the Tribulation period (Dan. 7:23; Rev.13:7). It will be led by a blaspheming Satan worshipper that many call the Antichrist (Rev.13:5-6). His reign will be marked by war and multitudes will perish (Rev. 6:2, 8). The unbelievers who follow him will be caught up in idolatry, murder, sorcery, sexual immorality and theft (Rev. 9:20-21). Those who become believers during the Tribulation period, including many women and children, will be subjected to the most intense persecution the world has ever known (Rev.13:16-17).

I know the Word of God must be fulfilled, but it seems to me that a Holy Spirit indwelt church should try to restrain this approaching evil. It seems to me that the church should warn people loud and clear about the dangers of Globalism and its much-desired world government. If Christians are the light of the world, why don’t we shed light on the darkness that is descending upon the earth (Matt.5:14; Zeph.1:15-17; 1 Thess.5:5)? I know that there are many Spirit-filled light-shedding preachers doing that, but the silence of most of the church is very troubling.

In a recent article, I wrote about President Obama’s desire to fast track a new trade agreement (treaty) with the Pacific-Rim nations called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). This treaty would surrender the sovereignty of the United States, subordinate the United States Constitution to other documents, integrate the politics and economies of about a dozen nations, create a trading block of nations patterned after the EU, fast track the North American Union and be a major step toward world government. I mentioned that Senate Majority leader Harry Reid was blocking a vote on the treaty at the request of union leaders who believe the TPP will cause their members to lose jobs to other countries.

Just recently, I read that Hollywood and the Gay Lobby are expressing strong opposition to this treaty. As I understand it, their concern is not the loss of American sovereignty, the destruction of the U.S. Constitution, Satan worship, persecution of believers or anything like that. Their concern is that the list of participants in the TPP includes the tiny nation of Brunei and the fact that the sultan (he is also the Prime Minister) of Brunei recently announced the implementation of Sharia Law.

You see, Sharia Law is anti-abortion, anti-gay rights, anti-women’s rights, etc. Adulterers, rapists and sodomites (homosexuals and lesbians) can be stoned to death. Women who get an abortion can be flogged and women who get pregnant outside of marriage can be jailed. Some can even be beheaded. I can understand the outcry of union leaders about the TPP because they are rightly concerned about the loss of jobs. I can understand the frantic protestations of Hollywood and the Gay Lobby about the TPP because they are rightly concerned about being flogged, stoned, jailed or beheaded. But I can’t understand the lack of concern in the church. A government worse than Hitler’s is rising, some of the unchurched are complaining, but most of the organized church is totally silent.

Oh, I know some will say the organized church doesn’t know about the TPP because NBC, CBS, PBS and others are not reporting it. True! But since the union leaders, Hollywood and the Gay Lobby knows about the TPP, wouldn’t you think someone in the organized church would know about it? Shouldn’t the organized church oppose the TPP because it will lead to a satanic world government? Shouldn’t the organized church oppose the TPP because it includes a nation that has implemented Sharia Law and that allows for the persecution of Christians, the abuse of women, the kidnapping of children, the destruction of Bibles, anti-Semitism and more?

Could it be that the organized church has been taken over in part by highly educated people with much learning and little knowledge of spiritual matters? Could it be that even though the Holy Spirit revealed this coming wicked world government (Dan.7:23; Rev.13:7) these highly educated leaders don’t even know what the Bible says on the subject? Could it be that many of them have made themselves willingly ignorant of some things in the Bible and they are not being led by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9)?

Could it be that their silence means they are unknowingly aligned with the future goals of the Antichrist? Whatever it is, concerning the TPP, I have found myself aligned with Harry Reid, the labor union leaders, Hollywood and the Gay Lobby. That is a scary thought to me and I sure wish some of the leaders in the organized church would speak up.


Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck


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