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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Pictures from Children

As you know if you read this blog regularly, we had to say goodbye to our beloved dog a few weeks ago. The reality of that has settled in, yet it is still terrible when I think on it. A few things that were done for us were such a huge comfort that I wanted to share. Of course emails of thoughtfulness and caring, and listening ears, were a big help. My step mother reminded me to cry as much as I needed, and those words were a balm--sometimes as mothers we don't want to take the time to cry.

My good friend brought a beautiful hyacinth over, one of my favorite early bloomers, to remind us of life (it was about to bloom and she did that on purpose). The visit that went along with the flower was priceless, those first days are so hard since the house is emptier. Two things that came in the mail really touched our hearts as they seemed to touch on the place in the adult heart, at least mine, that loves a family dog. One was a sweet picture of a bunny drawn by a coworker's 3 yr old daughter. When the little girl's mom told her daughter about Jake, the child said she would send us a 'happy dog' picture. I can't explain why that just melted our hearts, but it did. The mom promptly baked some delicious cookies and Fed Ex'd them to us, which was over the top. This person doesn't know us on an intimate level and I think going out of her way like that is what impacted us all so much. Two of my children received precious notes from friends, one of which has the sweetest picture, hand drawn, of a dog curled up on his bed sleeping. I can't even type this without crying, still, weeks later. This little girl wrote a note that was so honest and loving to my son, and the picture reminds me so much of my dog.

It is the care that keeps speaking to me. The time that went in to the drawing. It reminds me of how God uses kids to do His work--1 Tim 4:12 Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe.

I can't imagine getting another dog, but at this point I also can't imagine not missing my dog. Time is a healer in loss...I definitely know that, so I'll just keep waiting.

Till then, Col 3:1-3.

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