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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Back From England

Confession: Not realizing I was being cliché, I got hooked on the BBC several months ago. It felt exciting, original even. But after last night and Mom's Night Out revealing EVERYONE is on the BBC train...something doesn't feel as special. Granted, I'm not downtown or seeing impoverished babies birthed, but the BBC and I have been through a lot. (sniff)

So it's date-night, because every night is... I'm scrolling through Netflix and something catches my eye. In disbelief I do a double take. In so doing I see it's true! After far too long, Netflix has released season 7 of Psych. The "new episodes" banner was plastered across the cover.

(please let that wash over you as it did us....)

At first it didn't feel exciting. I mean, we've changed; broadened our horizons with Louiser and Doc...the Laird gets a night every few weeks, and Hyacinth entertains on a regular basis now. Could we slip back into Santa Barbara and witty jibes? Had we left them, when for ages, it seemed they'd left US?

Confession numero deus...Was there still a place for Sean and Gus; could we return to America and feel fulfilled?

Well my friends, I'm no fan of suspense and so I won't leave you hanging. The raw truth is--we've been proved resilient. We may love tea, accents, driving on the wrong side of the road and other things about the lands beyond the ocean to our east, but we're Americans! The red, white and blue waved proudly in our hearts as we digested Season 7, episode 1.

We're home, baby, and what better time than Memorial Day weekend?!

It's good to be back,



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