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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Mom's Night Out-The Movie

If you need a few laughs, go see Mom's Night Out. Better yet, get a big group of friends together and go see it!

You'll see many a familiar face if you watch the Christian sensitive films such as Courageous, Facing the Giants, Amazing Love and Marriage Retreat.

Something I found hilarious is the way the folks who wrote Mom's Night Out wove all the common aspects of life today in to the movie. I cringed with understanding at her blog going from 4 to 3 followers...and when the BBC was mentioned I just couldn't take it anymore--such relevance! And here I thought my debating on speaking in a British accent on a daily basis was unique. It's a film to watch again for sure; perhaps a home viewing party is in order once it's out of the box office and everyone forgets all the details!

God really blesses us through friendship. People to go through the ups and downs, and just 'know what it's like' are such a comfort. God is good to have worked out the details of this night long before this week and today's FIRST gray hair appearance...

Forty is looming, right around the corner, and God continues to show me my idol of youthful vigor. He is good to allow us to break down so that we see our need to depend on Him more, but it doesn't necessarily feel good when you are in the moment.

Just when you think you understand proper dependence, you realize you really don't get it at all.

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