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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Why Am I Tired?

It can be rather funny to wonder as a mother, "Why am I tired?" Just recently I found myself asking that question. We can be concerned about some underlying problem, going to WebMD for help!

Perhaps the question is merely to be answered by realizing what we've done in a 24 hr period--items from this list may apply:

  • clean bathrooms

  • wash clothes

  • wash floors

  • change linens

  • exercise at gym

  • deal with livestock

  • nurture babies

  • change diapers

  • prepare meals

  • organize something in the home

  • can various items

  • settle disputes

  • mail cards/bills

  • field phone calls

So often as Moms we forget just how much energy goes into fulfilling our calling to keep house, educate children, love husbands, care for friends and family and prepare meals. Add to that exhaustion the regular lack of sleep and it's a recipe for fatigue! Beware of Satan's attacks when hungry, tired, lonely or angry. He prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

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