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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Laundry Improvement

An interesting phenomenon has transpired here regarding the lack of laundry piling up. We've separated it now by person-everyone has their own little hamper in their bedroom. Towels are in a little hamper hanging up in the main bathroom. The kids have to do their own, though I help the youngest; I take care of my husband's, mine, and all the household linens. If the kids change their sheets, I wash them.

What has changed with this is that they are not tossing clothes in as readily as before. I am not having to get on them to do a load on their assigned day now, either. Now I just ask if people have laundry to do on occasion, and I'll remind them to set their basket outside the washer if they want to be next.

Sure, we are doing more small loads, but I think the clothes are cleaner and their isn't a perpetual pile in the hallway or laundry room (or outside the laundry room). It is such a huge relief for me! Even with all of the kids helping with our combined laundry before this system, there was always so much looming around. It continually bothered me. No more!!!

None of my kids are even 12 yrs old yet, so this can work with elementary aged children!!

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