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Tutor Appreciation Dinner-Pictures (password is our Director's oldestchild's name)

A few weeks ago I received an adorable invitation to a special dinner, appetizers started at 6:15 pm and dinner was to be served at 7 pm. I'd scan a picture of the invitation, but wouldn't you know, our scanner has recently died. (A service will be held later today.)

A lovely confirmation email came to my inbox a few days ago for my reservation at Cafe Malachi. Eagerly anticipating the festivities, my family was reminded I'd be out Thursday night, March 28th!

My girls helped me decide what to wear, and in rare fashion since my husband prefers how I look sans make up, I donned some color and curled my hair. It was exciting to think of the food, fellowship and friends who had been diligently sacrificing time, resources and energy to show us they appreciate our serving as tutors. We work with some creative moms who are also terrific cooks, and with there being such care behind it all, I think each of us was feeling the same about the whole event: touched.

I pulled up behind my good friend, and together we walked up to the 'restaurant' door. We were greeted by a beautiful Italian woman, speaking in her native tongue! We inferred what she spoke to us as she pointed to a fantastic spread of appetizers and beverages in the lounge area. Following was a night to remember, full of laughter and friendship. Italian music graced the airwaves, and comical entertainment ensued throughout the meal.

At the close of the night, we received such sweet parting gifts- handwritten notes from our students, and delicious biscotti!! I was just telling my husband we needed to figure out how to get more of that tasty pastry from our wonderful friend only two nights ago!

I'll let the pictures tell the rest of the story. It is a night we won't soon forget!

Thank you to everyone who helped make the evening so special. I am amazed at your kindness.

God bless you~Ann

P.S. The word 'drizzle' makes all pastries sound better!

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  1. A night to remember - that's the truth! Love the captions! I am so glad you wrote this up.
    Humbled to work with such an unforgettable team of tutors! Grateful for all you do for us.

  2. I'm glad you liked it, thank you for commenting!
