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Amazing Love: The Story of Hosea

Amazing Love: The Story of Hosea portrays what the events surrounding Hosea's marrying Gomer could have been like. It is a depiction of God's love for His unfaithful chosen nation, Israel, during the time of the 2 kingdoms. The truth that shouldn't be missed is that God told Hosea to marry her, and then he loved her. Our way of 'falling in love' then marrying could use some re-evaluating. If we base love on a feeling, the divorce rate would be much like what it actually is today...but I digress.

On Netflix you can watch Amazing Love with instant streaming.

I love the character chosen to be Hosea, Isaiah Alexander. He is beautiful in his devotion to God and his expressions toward Gomer are so touching. The actress playing Gomer does a terrific job as well. She is a beauty, but so lost and shallow. What impressed me the most is how well the idea of God's unconditional love is communicated, and one image left in my mind is something I've revisted as I cogitate on what God's love is. I don't know that I've grasped the root of God's unconditional love for His people.

A statement Hosea makes also sticks with me (I've watched this twice; once to screen to see if it was ok for my kids, once with the family). Hosea speaks of idols: they have mouths but do not speak; eyes yet they do not see; ears but they do not hear--and the people who worship them, become like them. The people who worship them, become LIKE them.

Are we Christians hearing? Are we seeing? Are we speaking truth? Have we become like what we cherish; if so, is it God or something else?

We often use some form of invisible measuring stick against the world to determine if we are 'right' within our Christian framework, but we ought to measure against God's standard since this world is increasing in wickedness at an alarming rate. What we put before our eyes is often what we desire and seek after, and idols can creep in subtly. How careful we must be to set before ourselves things that align with God's word--things that are pure, just, holy.

God help us to not be as worthless objects of worship, but to be mindful each day that He lives within us, and we are His representatives.

Colossians 3: 1-3

Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. [a]Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

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