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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Remembering Me

Nearing 40, I've known plenty of people who have passed in to eternity. It was hardest to lose my mom when I was in college. She was a woman I dearly loved. We saw many things the same, some things differently, but we could talk. A week later, her mother-my Bubby, died. That same month many years prior, my 2 yr old cousin died due to a a complication from chicken pox. 

A few years ago, the same month as all of those mentioned, my beloved mother-in-law passed into eternity. How I hope to have a daughter-in-law that loves me as I loved her.

The list doesn't stop there...an uncle, my friend's infant son, the rest of my grandparents, my husband's grandmother, friends, and friends/family of friends/family...

When I think of my friends and their family, there are images in my mind of how they'll be remembered. My closest friend's grandpa and his hats and kind expression, another good friend's mom and how she bakes sourdough for elderly friends and various neighbors, and so many of my precious friends that I hope I predecease.

We are all leaving impressions with people, day in and day out. If someone knows us at all, if we die before them, they are going to think of a predominate characteristic to associate with us anytime they happen to remember us. And this brings me to what I've been thinking a lot about lately.

How am I going to be remembered? 

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