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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Essential Oils 101?

Often in the current culture of self-proclaimed experts, there is too much of a good thing, and the results can be quite unpleasant, sometimes dangerous. Herbal remedies and essential oils can readily lend themselves to this reality.

If you have rashes, chronic sinus issues, a sore throat, a scratchy voice...talk to an allergist about testing and/or see a dermatologist, and be sure to share your use and routine with oils and skin care. If you take essential oils or herbs, get a physical from time to time and have blood work done to ensure your numbers are all in safe zones. It is easy to overdo supplementation, and doctors study interactions and side effects in important ways that lay bloggers or hobbyists do not necessarily know. The use of these 'natural' items is common, so it isn't a great unknown among many actual physicians. Peripheral dermatitis could be the root of the mouth or nasal area rash/bumps you have. Or you may have folliculitis, rosacea, or a staph infection...it isn't typical to have very red patches of skin that look inflamed, and a persistent scratchy voice isn't normal either for most non-smokers. Self-diagnosing can miss curable problems, and can lead to small issues snowballing because they weren't dealt with in a timely manner. Even with a diffuser, it is easy to incorrectly use essential oils and overdose. If you keep them going for more than 30 min and the door and window of your room are shut, this could be a problem. Read on





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