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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Exchanging Children

It was recently time to take our middle child back to college, and that process meant passing through the town that claimed our oldest for the last three years. The oldest is now back in the nest while an advanced degree is sought. It is the first time our oldest and youngest are the only kids home together. Fresh starts...they are still coming for us as our home educating years wind down.

Year one of our oldest being away was tough. We adjusted and grew, and fell in love with the church and life there at school, in many ways. The novel virus interrupted year one, and two was also altered some. Year two was mostly noted as it left us with only our youngest here at home. 

Our middle child was ready for university life as much as we were able to prepare for...but God had plans we didn't expect. Serious computer issues, perpetuating overkill on the virus kicked in on the campus-contrary to what we were expecting which resulted in the need for a vehicle at school, a sprained ankle, and loads of stress. It was very taxing to the point that two weeks after that initial drop off, we were on the road to deliver a car. It was the third time in three weeks that Mr. ACL did the long drive. The end of that year was a victorious time! We had our first college graduate and our second freshman year completed!!

This year with number 1 and number 3 home is the only time we'll get this mix. We've got a senior in high school and a working professional. Next year, Lord willing, we will just have our oldest home while the younger two crank out college. Newness abounding!

Why am I bothering to write about this? Well, sometimes life seems the same or monotonous, but if we really look we will see subtle variations. As we do our work as unto the Lord, for His glory, let's approach each new day with anticipation of newness and opportunity. It helps to keep us moving forward with purpose. As our kids come and go, one day they will just go....and the house will settle into a quieter norm. This is good and natural, but I want to make the most of these shrink/swell years because I love my kids.

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