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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Effective Use of One's Energy

Person A believes in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the infallibility of Scripture, loves God, sees Him as loving and just, and has their view of the mechanics of how one comes to be saved, but it is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. 

Person B believes in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the infallibility of Scripture, loves God, sees Him as loving as just, and has their view of the mechanics of how one comes to be saved, and it is also by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, but they differ some from Person A.

For some reason, Person B can't stand the way Person A sees the mechanics, and thus accuses them of creating an unloving God. Person A, however, believes God IS loving. It is Person B, viewing and understanding Person A's beliefs, who comes to the conclusion God must be unloving to think as Person A does---but stay with me, only Person B thinks God is unloving in this scenario. Person B--according to their own view, sees God as loving, and so does Person A. Both are genuine born-again Christians. 

In light of this, why does Person B waste time attacking Person A? Person A is not attacking Person B. Person A could accuse Person B of believing in a small God-but they don't give that air time. Why does Person B care that Person A's views makes they themselves see God as unloving? Clearly Person A has reconciled their own view to land with a loving and just God.

Why would you apply someone else's 'truth' to your own views or put conclusions or words in someone else's mouth? Is it possible to not really understand how someone else is seeing and understanding the Scriptures? Is it not better to give the benefit of the doubt to fellow Christians?

I've got my views and I trust in them. It is inane to me to focus on what other people believe and waste time reacting to it. The more you react to something (ie a bully), the more credence you give something typically...isn't that what we've always thought?

Is this manner of acting/reacting of God or the enemy? 

Who is being divisive and tearing down the body of Christ? Our enemy is not on the inside of orthodox beliefs people, but on the outside. It is a wicked world, and yes, it is true that focusing on it is uncomfortable and difficult. Interacting with this culture is miserable, but it does not warrant micromanaging and tearing down the body of Christ. Make no mistake, we are ALL part of the body of Christ who believe that it is by grace through faith and not of works that people are able to spend eternity as forgiven people in God's presence. Only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ are we saved, and the issue I'm referring to is dealing with sincere people who hold to the truth I've just stated.

Do I know all the ins and outs of those outside orthodox Christian beliefs (Mormons, Catholics, JWs, etc.)? No, that would take away from the valuable time I've got to do what God has called me to do. It is discouraging, tiring and makes me angry when believers attack other believers. It has no place in the church as far as I'm concerned, and it is dangerous to attack godly men who love the Lord and are doing the work He's called them to faithfully. 

Whenever I see one group continually calling out and criticizing another, I don't look disparagingly on the group being attacked, I look disparagingly on the attackers. What are they afraid of? Why can't they just do the work they have been called to?

God said what He said, and it is too bad if it doesn't fit into some cut and dry mold. He is good, loving, faithful, sovereign, just, and I trust Him to work out, rightly, all the things. I'm not going to pretend He didn't say such and such because in my human reasoning, it wouldn't make sense. He said it, I believe it. 

Man's wisdom falls short where God's excels. Let God be true, and every man a liar.

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